THREE PROMISES is an acclaimed documentary film that premiered in the UK just two months ago, at the prestigious @sheffdocfest . The film is a tapestry of home movies, taken by Yousef’s mother Suha, who filmed her young family during the retaliation by the Israeli army to the second intifada (2000-2005).
The home movies were have been painstakingly stitched together by Yousef. The dichotomy of joy and trauma so often sit beside one another; as the audience we are pushed and pulled through the thin veil that separates them as we witness an intimate portrait of Palestinian family life under occupation.
In order to allow us to think more deeply about the themes explored in the film, we are preparing a collaborative workshop creating a 00s style “home video”.
We want to capture the plurality of truths that exist within and outside of us. The “home video” will be made by recording one another discussing the movie and reflecting on our own childhood memories. For anyone not comfortable being recorded, we will still discuss childhood and themes explored in the movie.